Updates Coming Soon

Hello Everyone!

As I predicted I have not kept up this blog at all! Life has been both cruel and kind since the last time I opened this website. In my time away I have begun to really find myself. I have learned more about life during these past months than I ever had in my 24 years on this planet. The most important of those lessons being that school is not for me.

That is right, ladies and gentlemen, I dropped out. My past posts about how much I wanted to be a high school English teacher was a mere phase. I have since learned that the teaching life is not for me (will explain in the posts to come) and have come to terms with the fact that I don’t really know where my future lay. And, in all honesty, I am quiet alright with that. I have spent too much time forcing myself to be someone I am not rather than embracing myself for who I am; a young woman who doesn’t know where she is going or where she belongs in this crazy thing we call life.

My goal is to use this site as a platform to express myself creatively and allow myself to explore the ins and outs of life through my writing. From this point forward, my blog will be centered around my writing, creative and personal. I just ask that you all bear with me while I get myself situated and reclaim this blog. I look forward to sharing my craft with you all.

Much Thanks and Many Blessings,

Kaitlyn Dirksen

[P.S. I am always open to sharing ideas with others as well as sharing our stories. If you are interested in creating an online writers circle feel free to e-mail me at kaitlyn.c.dirksen@gmail.com, I am always looking for new writing friends!]

2 thoughts on “Updates Coming Soon

  1. I am a retired high school English teacher (after 15 years). The field of education has changed significantly. There are MANY teachers that teach that were never meant to be in the classroom. Whatever your reasons, I congratulate you on being honest with yourself as to your future endeavors. I hope you are on the path that leads to your fulfillment, success and true happiness. Follow your heart! You have great purpose indeed! Be blessed! 😊


    • Thank you so so much! I spent some time in classrooms, public and charter school, and felt as if I was watching from a distance rather than being fully engaged. Despite my dropping of the major I am still passionate about education and hope to use my writing/stories to shed light on some of the issues of our education system today. From your comment, I am positive you were a wonderful teacher who encouraged her students to be the best they could be. Again, I thank you for your support and look forward to sharing our journeys with each other. 🙂


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